Helpful information before your visit.

Helpful information before your visit.
  • CVDC is not in-network with any insurance companies: we recommend you contact your carrier to confirm your dental benefits can be used at this office. If you need help or have questions please call the office at (717) 263-3123.
  • If you have had joint replacement or heart conditions, contact that physician to be cleared for dental treatment and confirm if pre-medication is indicated. (Your physician should supply your pre-medication if needed)
  • Bring photo ID and insurance card at the time of appointment.
  • Bring a list of all medications you are currently taking as well as any allergies you may have.

We’re excited to see you! Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions.



Talk to us to learn more about which treatment and
what options are best for you.

Call us at 717-263-3123